Skin care tips for men

The new-age mantra is to look young and beautiful always, have a good physique and glowing skin. Anti-ageing creams, cosmetic surgery and television makeovers are ruling the psyche of every man, woman and child today. People are willing to spend huge amounts of money on beauty products and procedures to look and feel younger. The fashion conscious male of the 21dst century too is going to great lengths to feel younger and stay younger.
But, if truth be told, you do not need to spend a fortune on your appearance to look good.
These simple and inexpensive ways will help you look young and feel young.
Keeping your skin looking healthy and young:
Dry skin look dull and makes you feel that too. Use a moisturizer on your face, hands and feet daily to prevent your skin from drying and cracking. A good eye cream will keep the dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes away giving you a fresh look. Always keep a special hand cream at the sink and desk and use periodically, to prevent chaffing and drying especially in cold conditions.
Whitening agent for your teeth:
You can use tooth whiteners to give your teeth a pearly look or ask your dentist to recommend some professional grade options. A whiter and brilliant smile goes a long way in adding allure to your countenance.
Protect yourself from excessive and harmful rays of the sun:
The sun’s rays though in small doses is good, excessive amount of sun can damage your skin and can even lead to skin cancer Always protect yourself with a good sunscreen. It will give your skin glowing and make you look younger
Hair problems:
Ensure that you keep your eyebrows neatly trimmed. Beards and goatees may add to your charm but a clean shaven look makes you look better and younger. Many men have hair sprouting from their ears and noses. Keep these under check through careful trimming. You can pick up an ear and nose hair trimmer at your local drug store. They are simple and easy to use.
The importance of color:
Always wear colors that complement your skin and eyes and those that suit your image.
Managing dark circles under your eyes:
A good night’s sleep and eating healthy will help rid you off your dark circles. For hereditary or chronic problems of dark circles use products such as Hylexin by Bremmen Research Labs. Under-eye concealers can do the trick during emergencies.
Substituting contact lenses, soft, hard or even colored will help you to look attractive, handsome and younger.
Exercising to maintain a good physique:
Try to incorporate some form of exercise in your daily routine, whether it is jogging in the park, running on the treadmill or simply a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Exercise helps you maintain good posture, boosts energy levels, alleviates stress and increases blood flow to keep you looking fit, healthy and young Looking skin.
But, if truth be told, you do not need to spend a fortune on your appearance to look good.
These simple and inexpensive ways will help you look young and feel young.
Keeping your skin looking healthy and young:
Dry skin look dull and makes you feel that too. Use a moisturizer on your face, hands and feet daily to prevent your skin from drying and cracking. A good eye cream will keep the dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes away giving you a fresh look. Always keep a special hand cream at the sink and desk and use periodically, to prevent chaffing and drying especially in cold conditions.
Whitening agent for your teeth:
You can use tooth whiteners to give your teeth a pearly look or ask your dentist to recommend some professional grade options. A whiter and brilliant smile goes a long way in adding allure to your countenance.
Protect yourself from excessive and harmful rays of the sun:
The sun’s rays though in small doses is good, excessive amount of sun can damage your skin and can even lead to skin cancer Always protect yourself with a good sunscreen. It will give your skin glowing and make you look younger
Hair problems:
Ensure that you keep your eyebrows neatly trimmed. Beards and goatees may add to your charm but a clean shaven look makes you look better and younger. Many men have hair sprouting from their ears and noses. Keep these under check through careful trimming. You can pick up an ear and nose hair trimmer at your local drug store. They are simple and easy to use.
The importance of color:
Always wear colors that complement your skin and eyes and those that suit your image.
Managing dark circles under your eyes:
A good night’s sleep and eating healthy will help rid you off your dark circles. For hereditary or chronic problems of dark circles use products such as Hylexin by Bremmen Research Labs. Under-eye concealers can do the trick during emergencies.
Substituting contact lenses, soft, hard or even colored will help you to look attractive, handsome and younger.
Exercising to maintain a good physique:
Try to incorporate some form of exercise in your daily routine, whether it is jogging in the park, running on the treadmill or simply a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Exercise helps you maintain good posture, boosts energy levels, alleviates stress and increases blood flow to keep you looking fit, healthy and young Looking skin.
1 comment:
Beard and goatees may increase your charm, but a clean shaven look, make you look better and younger. Many men are from their own ears and nose hair sprout. Through careful pruning these reservations under examination. You can pick up a local drug store in the ear and nose hair trimmer. They are simple and easy to use.
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