Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Steaming is a skin care fundamental. It helps draw out toxins and impurities. Steaming function is to open the pores more, which also helps the skin have the benefits of masks, face scrubs and creams used straight after.

Nothing easier like to do steaming:

1. Fill a large pot with hot water.

2. You should add fragrant herbs such as peppermints, rose petals, mint petals or essential oils in the water.

3. Lower your face over the pot which should cover the head and pot in a way that steam is directed towards your face. Don't let the steam burn your face though.

4. Use a soft towel to dry your face.

A steam won't remove dirt and grime, but it will soften the skin's surface enough to help cleanse and unclog pores. Another benefit is the heat increases circulation and relaxes facial muscles. You may feel yourself rejuvenated and free of tension.

As a good skin care practice, steaming should be done once in a week. For better results, before steaming your face you can apply a moisturizer and massage the face and neck. You cleanse/exfoliate after you steam. You can just cleanse your face how you normally do, using a cotton towel to gently wash your face. This will clear the dead cells off and increase the blood circulation.

If you have dry skin, frequent steaming is not recommended as it will devoid the skin of its natural moisture. Before going for a steaming, use an oil-based moisturizer.

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