Tuesday, July 24, 2007


For both men and women, having a full head of healthily growing hair is an essential key to having a good self-image. We spend so much money on products that will ensure that our hair is healthy, glossy and full of life, products such as shampoos, conditioners, styling aids, and so many others. A great many of us also go to salons on a regular basis to keep our manes as beautiful as possible.

The condition of the hair is so important that it can actually boost our self-confidence or aid to its collapse. So when the hair is lost, it can cause so much trauma and uncertainty on the person experiencing the hair loss.

For some of us, hair loss is inevitable. It can be because we have inherited genes that make us predisposed to losing our hair once we reach a certain age. Hair loss can also be a sign of illness in the body, or a result of having that illness treated, such as the way people undergoing chemotherapy lose their hair. It can also be because we exert too much pressure on our hair strands with constant styling.

We should take note that it is perfectly alright to lose around 50 to 100 hair strands a day. Our hair grows to a certain length for a certain time before our scalp sheds it to lead to the growth of new hair. Sometimes, it looks like we are losing more than 100 strands a day, but that could be because hair previously shed got tangled with the other strands and only got freed with the shampooing or the brushing.

If ever hair loss does happen to us, we should remember that it is not the end of the world for us. There are solutions to dealing with hair loss such as medication, transplantation or replacement.

When you go to a hair restoration clinic, you can expect the doctor to advise you to take medication first to treat your hair loss. Or, he or she could diagnose that your hair loss may be the result of another underlying illness, and he or she will look for symptoms of such illnesses in your body. Anyway, if the doctor tells you to take medication first, he or she will either prescribe to you the drugs Propecia or Rogaine.

Propecia is the brand name under which finasteride is marketed. Finasteride is a formulation that is intended to inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, the enzyme that is thought to be responsible for hair loss. Propecia is taken orally, but its effect lasts for only as long as the drug is consumed. Women are not usually prescribed to take finasteride, because it can result to birth defects on male babies.

Rogaine, on the other hand, is the brand name of minoxidil. It is applied topically on the scalp. Just like finasteride, the effects of minoxidil last only as long as the drug is used.

If you wish to undergo hair transplantation surgery, your attending doctor will have to determine if you are a candidate for such a procedure, because not everyone can go through this kind of treatment. But if you do proceed through the surgery, what the doctor will do is to graft individual hair strands onto your scalp, imitating the natural growth pattern of your hair as closely as possible.

For people who do not wish to spend so much money on surgical procedures or on medicine that may or may not work, there is always alternative medicine like acupuncture. Some experts claim that acupuncture works in encouraging hair to grow back onto the scalp. What acupuncture does is to stimulate nerve endings on the scalp and improve the circulation of blood to the scalp. With increased circulation, more nutrients are brought to the scalp, encouraging new cells to develop in the hair follicles. The blood flow also enables the quicker repair and replacement of damaged cells.

If medication and hair transplantation does not work, there is always hair replacement - another term for wearing a wig. Wearing wigs can be fun, trendy and stylish. The really good wigs are now made so that the wearer does not have to fear the wig being blown away by the wind or skewed by sudden movement. If you choose to wear wigs, just take care to wash them often so it does not irritate your skin.

Hair loss can be inevitable for some of us, but it is not the end of the world. There is always a solution to it.

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