Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pedicure For Beautiful Legs

Pedicure : It not only makes the legs beautiful but removes the exertion always.


* Take hot water in a tub. Put one big spoon baking soda & one small spoon bath oil in it. Bath oil increases the moisturising capacity of water. Dip your legs for 20 minutes in this water, so that hard skin & corns become soft. Take your legs out of water after 20 minutes & throw the water away.

* Now take the water again, put the C- salt tablets in it & dip your legs again. C- salt tablets is available easily like other beauty products. It makes the dead skin of legs soft, which can be removed easily later on. By dipping the legs in water, you will feel relaxed also. After some time take your legs out of the water, & wipe them with towel.

* Now take out the dead skin with the help of skin filer. Mostly the dead skin is on the heel & on the spherical bone. Pumic stone can also be used to remove the dead skin.

* Now apply moisturiser in legs & massage them properly. After so much cleansing, legs will soke the moisturising lotion easily & the skin of that area will not become hard easily. This moistness will make the skin of legs soft & smooth.

* Now the turn is to clean the nails. Clean the nails from inside & outside with the help of clipper.

* Now file & shape the nails carefully.

* Before applying polish on the nails, slowly push the cuticles with the help of cuticle stick. So the nail look beautiful & nail paint is applied easily.

* First of all apply the base coat polish so that the nails look healthy & safe. (Most of the base coat polish contains vitamin & silk). Now apply the nail paint which matches to your skin color. Apply two coats. Due to this nail color will not be removed for many days.


NEEDED:- Bucket, warm water, hydrogen peroxide, shampoo, dettol, filer, nail cutter, nail paint remover, cream, orange stick, cuticle pusher, nail brush, scrubber, towel, cream or oil, nail paint.

PACK-Mix yellow ochre, rose water & sandal powder.

How to do it?

(a) Take lukewarm water in a bucket. Add 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide, shampoo, 2-3 drops of dettol.

(b) Make a lather.

(c) File & cut your nails. Cut nails straight & not in curve.

(d) Put cream on the nails & soak feet in the bucket.

(e) After 10 minutes take one feet out.

(f) With the help of orange stick from the pointed side clean the nails and from the flat side push the cuticles till half the moon is seen. Put a drop of shampoo on the brush & rub nails

(g) Remove the cuticles & soak feet for another 5 minutes.

(h) Do the same for another 5 minutes.

(i) Scrub the sole & top of the first feet, corners & sides too.

(j) Soak again & brush & dry both the feet with towel. Massage the feet with cream or oil.

(k) Apply the pack only on top of the feet not down for 10-15 minutes. Let it dry and wash off.

(l) Apply the base coat. It protects the nails from nail polish. Now apply the nail paint. 2 Coats of nail paint & one coat again.

(m) To be done once a week.

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