Saturday, August 25, 2007


Actress Catherine Zeta Jones brushes her teeth with mashed strawberries every day. They contain Malic Acid, which acts as a mild astringent when mixed with baking soda.

If you have some Hydrogen Peroxide around the house, add 3 drops of it to some baking soda and brush with it like you would with toothpaste. This is similar to some of the whitening formulas you can buy in the pharmacy.

For a more natural solution, try making a paste of one of the following recipes:

1. Lemon juice and salt.

2. Apple cider vinegar and baking soda.

3. Orange peel and bay leaves.

Keep in mind that overusing any home remedy, especially salt and lemon juice, can strip away your tooth enamel, so be sure to only use it as a short term solution.

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