Friday, August 31, 2007

Simple Men Skin Treatment

The skin replenishes itself every 21 to 28 days. When you think about – this is a remarkable opportunity. What other body part can you renew in three or four weeks? If we could do that with every organ, we’d probably be much healthier. However, the success of the renewal process – or lack thereof – depends on what you do with your skin and the rest of your body during that time period. Here’s a good natural skin care treatment routine that will ensure your skin is replaced with something better, not worse, at the end of that month.

1. Get rid of the sodas, ice-cream, chips, candy and sugar-laden deserts. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruit. It may take some getting used to but, having done this myself, I can tell you that if you’re diligent about it, the cravings will disappear fairly quickly. The secret is no cheating. Sugar begets sugar cravings.

2. Empty your cupboards of all food in boxes. The processing required to turn something fresh from the garden into a powdered substance that lasts for years destroys most of the nutrients. As replenishing any part of the body requires nutrients, there’s no room for food in boxes in your natural skin care routine.

3. Get rid of as many chemicals as you can. Once you’ve thrown out the boxes in the cupboard, you’ll probably have accomplished about 75% of this task. But there are a few other things to take care of: buy food that’s grown organically with a minimum of pesticides, herbicides. Don’t think you’re going to wash the stuff off. It’s been sprayed onto the plants and into the soil. It’s ingrained. Next, get rid of skin care treatment products that are loaded with chemicals. Just check the label, you’ll be able to figure out what these are. The ones you find in just about every product, and probably the most dangerous are mineral oil, petrolatum and propylene glycol, for example.

4. Get off the couch and hit the gym. Nutrients have to circulate to every cell, including skin cells.

5. Drink water – lots of it. It will keep you hydrated so your body can flush out toxins instead of lodging them in cells. No skin care treatment routine is going to work if your body is piling up junk. Get rid of it.

6. Sleep well. The body regenerates itself during sleep. It’s best to get at least seven hours and if you make sure one or two of those hours are before midnight you’ll get the most benefit. Early to bed, early to rise.

If you follow the above skin care treatment routine for the next 21 to 28 days, and are gentle on your skin – mild skin care treatment products that don’t contain harsh abrasives and heavy chemicals your body has to then detoxify from - the chances of your skin looking better at the end of that time are almost guaranteed. And you’ll feel better than you’ve felt in years!

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